Advertise with Us

Currently The Shuk has hundreds of visitors per day and is growing in popularity daily. Almost all of these visitors come from a well defined market segment of the Johannesburg Jewish Community. Therefore The Shuk offers businesses excellent advertising exposure to this market segment. You can choose to advertise your product across the entire site, or to advertise only on specific categories. This enables you to ensure that you pay for the exposure that is right for your business needs.

Just to recap, there are three types of ads available on The Shuk:



The prices for these ads vary based on banner size, and campaign features and duration. Contact us on so that we can send you the rate card. We can recommend graphic designers who can assist you in designing or customising your banner if required. Ultimately we aim to add value to Jewish business in South Africa. If you have an idea for an advertising campaign let us know about it. We would love to work together.

Contact us at more information.